Results for 'Büyükkavas Kuran Şeyma'

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  1.  28
    Necip Fazıl Kısakürek'in Tiyatrolarında Medya Eleştirisi.Şeyma Büyükkavas Kuran - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):1275-1275.
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    References Of Mehmet Kaplan.Şeyma Büyükkavas Kuran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:245-262.
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    Is Reason Of Publıshıng Meant Meta Fıctıon That From Mesnevı To Novel?Şeyma Büyükkavas Kuran - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:172-201.
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    Necip Fazıl Kısakürek'in Tiyatroları Hakkında Bazı Dikkatler.Şeyma Büyükkavas Kuran - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):577-577.
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    The Relationship Between Antropologie and Semantics.Büyükkavas Kuran Şeyma - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1167-1175.
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    Editor: Yrd. Doç. dr. Ahmet cüneyt issi - yrd. Doç. dr. şeyma büyükkavas Kuran - yrd. Doç. dr. alpay doğan yildiz.Lütfen Seçiniz - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1177.
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    Private and Public Preferences.Timur Kuran - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (1):1.
    The theory of revealed preference, which lies at the core of the neoclassical economic method, asserts that people's preference orderings are revealed by their actions. This assertion has two possible meanings, of which one is a truism and the other false. When a person joins a riot against the government, he reveals through this action that he would rather riot than not. This is the sense in which the assertion is a truism. But if one means that the person must (...)
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  8. Can Al-Ghazali's Conception of Modality Propose a Solution to Rowe's Argument against Divine Freedom?Seyma Yazici - 2021 - Res Philosophica 98 (2):331-351.
    William L. Rowe poses a dilemma between God’s freedom and essential moral goodness by arguing that God cannot satisfy the arguably accepted condition for libertarian freedom, namely, ability to do otherwise. Accordingly, if God does a morally good action A freely, then there is at least a possible world in which God refrains from doing A and thereby does the morally wrong action. And if God does a morally wrong action in one of the possible worlds, he ceases to be (...)
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    Tanzanya’da Leibzig Misyoner Cemiyeti Misyonerliği, Karşılaşılan Zorluklar ve Kullanılan Yöntemler.Şeyma Han & Şahin Kızılabdullah - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:129-163.
    “Tanzanya’da Leibzig Misyoner Cemiyeti Misyonerliği, Karşılaşılan Zorluklar ve Kullanılan Yöntemler” isimli makale “Tanzanya’da Misyonerlik Faaliyetler Lutheran Kilise Örneği” isimli yüksek lisans tezine dayanmaktadır. Makale, Lutheran misyonerliğinin Tanzanya’da faaliyetlerine nasıl başladıkları, ilerleme yöntemleri ve karşılaşılan güçlükleri anlama noktasında önem arz etmektedir. Makalede ana konuya odaklanmadan önce, Tanzanya hakkında genel bir bilgilendirme yapılmış, ardından Leibzig Misyon Cemiyeti’nin (LMS) faaliyetlerine nasıl başladığı, kronolojik bir şekilde açmış olduğu istasyonlar, bu istasyonlarda karşılaşmış olduğu zorluklar ve kullanılan yöntemler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Ayrıca, Tanzanya’da Lutheran misyoner cemiyetlerinin, (...)
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    An Examination of Katta Langar Mushaf Dated to the Early Period in Terms of Mushaf Sciences.Şeyma Genan, Betül Genan, Elif Behnan Bozdoğan & Nevrin Nur Aslan - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):55-88.
    This article deals with the Katta Langar manuscript, which is known as one of the earliest Qur'ān copies attributed to III. Caliph Uthman. The study consists of an introduction, a conclusion and two sections. The introduction section begins with the information that the Katta Langar Mushaf which is called by this name relative to the Katta Langar village of Uzbekistan, is in the library of the Tashkent Uzbekistan Muslims Administration. Only ninety-seven pages of the mushaf, which was lost for a (...)
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    The Effect of Peirce's Philosophical Position on His Understanding of the Sign.Şeyma Gülsüm Önder - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:185-210.
    Göstergenin bilimsel olarak incelenme sürecinde etkin rol oynayan zihinsel arka plan farklılığı, temel unsurlarının şekil ve formlarında görülen değişiklikler başta olmak üzere, gösterme eyleminin işlevi ve gayesine ilişkin birtakım görüş ayrılıklarına zemin hazırlar. Nitekim göstergebilimin kurucuları Ferdinand de Saussure ve C. S. Peirce, göstergeyi birbirinden farklı iki bağlamda ele alır. Saussure göstergebilimin, dilbilimi de içine alan bir bilim dalı olarak kurulması gerekliliğine değinmekle yetinirken Peirce, onu, mantık ve anlam-yorum çalışmalarına hız kazandırmak amacı ile bilimsel zemine taşır. Peirce’ün göstergeye bakışı, yalnızca (...)
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    Continuity and Boundaries in Human-Animal Comparison in the Context of al-jahiz’s Kitab al-Hayaw'n.Tan Şeyma - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 59:97-110.
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  13. The political consequences of Islam’s economic legacy.Timur Kuran - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (4-5):395-405.
    Several of the Middle East’s traditional economic institutions hampered its political development by limiting checks on executive power, preventing the formation of organized and durable opposition movements, and keeping civil society weak. They include Islam’s original tax system, which failed to protect property rights; the waqf, whose rigidity hampered the development of civil society; and private commercial enterprises, whose small scales and short lives blocked the development of private coalitions able to bargain with the state. These institutions contributed to features (...)
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    Preference and Interpretation of Bābertī on Issues Related to Dalālat.Şeyma Gülsüm Önder - 2022 - Tasavvur / Tekirdağ İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (1):539-559.
    Dalālat al-lafẓī al-waḍʿī, is divided into three parts: mutābaqat, taẓam-mun and iltizām. Although there is an agreement among the scholars regar-ding the nature of the mutābaqat, which shows the conformity of the word to its meaning, the indication of taẓammun and iltizām includes certain controversial issues. Among these, some issues related to iltizām, which plays a central role in method and rhetoric, were discussed. Al-Bābertī who wrote al-şurūḥ [commentaries] on the main works that greatly influenced the ones written after him (...)
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    Okul Öncesi Türk Çocuklarının Birleşik İsimleri Kavrayışı.Fatma Şeyma DOĞAN - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):403-403.
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    From Homo Sapiens to Homo Cogitans.Şeyma Şirin - 2020 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 4 (1):95-103.
    In this study, the philosophical and modern problems that arise in the fields of ontology and epistemology within the framework of Descartes' method are studied and investigated. There is an extensive literature on Cartesian philosophy. Homo sapiens refers to the type of people who can think and can collaborate and collaborate with many members. Homo cogitans means the kind of person who can think again but thinking here is not just thinking. We are talking about a species that thinks how (...)
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    Devletin Filozofu Timaiosun Tanrısı mı?Şeyma Kömürcüoğlu - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):609-623.
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    A Chapter in the Pol'tics of.Timur Kuran - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64 (2).
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    Geschichte zwischen Mythos und Messianischem: Walter Benjamins Jetztzeit und die Zeit der Toten als humane Zeit.Daniel Kuran - 2019 - [Vienna]: Vienna University Press.
    Die Verletzbarkeit der Toten -- Zeit und Eingedenken ausgehend von Benjamins Proust-Lektüre -- Jetztzeit und Metaphysik -- Ästhetische und affektive Manifestationen des Messianischen -- Räume messianischer Praxis.
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    Divine Epiphany in Greek Literature and Culture.Şeyma Kömürcüoğlu - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (34):165-165.
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    Abu Hanifah In The Poems Of Diwan.Şeyma Benli̇ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    K. Karatani, İzonomi ve Felsefenin Kökenleri.Şeyma Kömürcüoğlu - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:1):293-297.
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    Od "Carmina" III 16 Horacego do "Przeważnej legacyji" Samuela Twardowskiego. Między liryką a epiką.Michał Kuran - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 4:17-24.
    This text presents relations between Horacy’s Carmina III 16 and two short parts The important Mission of His Grace Duke Krzysztof Zbaraski Samuel from Skrzypna Twardowski. Author tries to present the role of the lyric text in the long epic story. Very important is a role of Jan Kochanowski’s Song II 4. He unites mythological and Horatian themes Danae and gold. In the Iwardowski’s text exists myth in the Kochanowski’s version. Twardowski alludes to situation at the Turkey’s court and emperors (...)
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    "Wojna domowa" Samuela Twardowskiego – dzieło w procesie.Michał Kuran - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 64 (1):9-38.
    Artykuł przedstawia problemy, jakie wywołało zniszczenie w 1944 roku manuskryptu zawierającego sporządzoną pod kontrolą autora kopię dzieła Wojna domowa z Kozaki i Tatary Samuela Twardowskiego. Dla części pierwszej dzieła podstawą edycji musi być wydana pod kontrolą autora edycja części pierwszej z roku 1660. Dla części II–IV edycja kaliska skorygowana notatkami Alojzego Kowalkowskiego. Edycja kaliska, jako że została przez kaliskich jezuitów ocenzurowana dla potrzeb edukacji prowadzonej w kolegiach zakonu, nie może stanowić samodzielnie podstawy nowego wydania. Dysponujemy jedynie notatkami Alojzego Kowalkowskiego, który (...)
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    Insincere deliberation and democratic failure.Timur Kuran - 1998 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 12 (4):529-544.
    Abstract An enduring challenge of democracy is to give citizens an effective say in collective decision making by ensuring broad participation in political discourse. Deliberative opinion polling aims to meet this challenge by providing new opportunities for ordinary citizens to form educated opinions. This approach to broadening deliberation does not aim to control substantive outcomes, unlike conceptions of deliberative democracy that promote improved dialogue while also restricting the possible outcomes. But both classes of reform overlook the prevalence of democratic failures (...)
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    James George Frazer, Altın Dal: Dinin ve Folklorun Kökleri.Şeyma Kömürcüoğlu - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:285-290.
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    The Idea and the Origins of Becoming Like God in Avicenna.Seyma Komurcuoglu - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (3).
    This study aims to examine how becoming like God is handled in Avicenna’s philosophy. Basically the article is based on the need to interpret that Plato and Aristotle and Plotinus are philosophers that complement each other, not diverge, in terms of the topic of becoming like God. First and foremost I present Avicenna’s arguments using the concepts of becoming like god and becoming like the First as a springboard. Moreover, based on the context in which Avicenna uses the concept of (...)
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  28. Is God Perfectly Good In Islam.Seyma Yazici - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):(SI9)5-33.
    Based on a question posed by global philosophy of religion project regarding the absence of literal attribution of omnibenevolence to God in the Qur’ān, this paper aims to examine how to understand perfect goodness in Islam. I will first discuss the concept of perfect goodness and suggest that perfect goodness is not an independent attribute on its own and it is predicated on other moral attributes of God without which the concept of perfect goodness could hardly be understood. I will (...)
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    An Evaluation on the Narration Accepted by al-Māturīdī as a Basis for Tafsīr -Tawīl Distinction.Şeyma Altay - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1337-1364.
    This study focuses on the narration, "Whoever makes a tafsīr the Qur'an according to his own opinion, let him prepare his place in Hell," which Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī (d. 333/944) considered as a basis while defining the terms tafsīr and tawīl in the introduction of his work titled "Ta'wilatu'l-Qur'an." Various scholarly studies have examined al-Māturīdī's distinction between the terms tafsīr and tawīl from both theoretical and practical perspectives. However, it has not been examined in terms of the narration, authenticity status, (...)
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    The Genesis of Islamic Economics: A Chapter in the Politics of Muslim Identity.Timur Kuran - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64.
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    „Kolęda, Nowe Lato i Szczodry Dzień” — geneza, rozwój i schyłek gatunku w XVII wieku.Michał Kuran - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 25 (3):31-72.
    The article is proving that works arisen from the tradition of wishing carol, in which titles appeared a formula „Carol, The New Year and the Generous Day”, constitute a separate literary genre. What is more, works, which belong to it could exist in two forms: unified and cyclical. The genesis of the genre is regarded to appear in combining into one group the motives and symbols of the Christian holidays (from the Christmas through the Circumcision / the New Year to (...)
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    Abyssinian Judaism: An Evaluation of How Abyssinian Judaism Formed through the Falasha Monks and Abyssinian Christianity.Neslihan Kuran - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1275-1300.
    It is rather difficult to detail the history of Abyssinian Judaism. Although there is no clear information on the subject, the existence of a Jewish ethnic group in Abyssinia is generally explained as the result of contact with members of the ancient Jewish community. Recent research point out a much more different and complex picture of Judaism in Abyssinia. First of all, it is important to know that in the early stages of Abyssinia, an ethnically and religiously differentiated (distinguishable) Jewish (...)
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    Bohater zbiorowy w twórczości heroicznej Samuela Twardowskiego.Michał Kuran - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:43-66.
    In this paper the author shows that a crowd in Twardowski’s production becomes a community significant, not only ornamentical. This crowd consists of the nobility and a persons Trom behind the ethos. Twardowski produces a part of the nobility on the structure of presented world and he pays attention to their behaviour: knightly and not knightly. Samuel of Skrzypna shows a struggle on the battle field between antagonistic armies. These armies are presented as an anonymous masses. The poet only occasionally (...)
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    Diplomatic Relations on the Tang Frontier: Pugu Yitu Tomb Inscription.Aybike Şeyma Tezel - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (3-4):85-96.
    The Tang period (618–907) stands out as one of the most important chapters of the history of early Inner Asia, where bilateral diplomatic interactions on the Chinese – Inner Asian frontier reached a high point. Since its establishment, the Tang pursued close relations with the neighboring Türk Qaghanate and various other Turkic and Mongolic speaking groups in the Inner Asian steppes. These relations, sometimes friendly, other times hostile, were to a great extent recorded in the official histories, a genre of (...)
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    Content Analysis of Nano-news Published Between 2011 and 2018 in Turkish Newspapers.Şeyma Çalık, Ayşe Koç, Tuba Şenel Zor, Erhan Zor & Oktay Aslan - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (2):117-132.
    The aim of this study is to examine the distribution of news related to nanoscience and nanotechnology published in Turkish newspapers between 2011 and 2018. Nine Turkish newspapers selected using criterion sampling were investigated and the document analysis method was used to analyze them. The electronic archives of the newspapers were used to collect data and the word “nano” was used as a keyword. The obtained data were analyzed with the content analysis technique. While analyzing the news stories, categorization was (...)
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    Distopik Bir Roman Olarak Gökdelen'de Yapı Ve İzlek.Şeyma Karaca Küçük - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1445-1445.
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    Más que una carta: Risāla ilà aṣḥāb al-Šayḫ ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Mahdawī.Zeynep Seyma Ozkan - 2023 - Al-Qantara 44 (1):e08.
    Tanto en su Iǧāza como en su Fihrist, Ibn al-ʿArabī se refirió a Risāla ilà aṣḥāb al-Šayḫ ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Mahdawī como a una obra separada. Este documento es una carta escrita a los discípulos del Šayḫ ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Mahdawī de Túnez por el propio Ibn al-ʿArabī, y recientemente se ha determinado que también sirve como una especie de prólogo de Mašāhid al-asrār. Este prólogo cubre temas tales como quién debe estudiar el Mašāhid y cómo debe hacerlo, las explicaciones de las (...)
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    18. Yüzyıl Türk Ciltlerinde Öne Çıkan Bir Süsleme Tekniği: Yekşah.Fatma Şeyma Boydak - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):743-762.
    Süsleme teknikleri her sanat dalında olduğu gibi cilt sanatında da zaman içerisinde değişim göstermiştir. 18. yüzyıl klâsik üslûpta ciltlerinin yapılmaya devam edildiği ancak aynı zamanda yeni tezyînat tekniklerinin denendiği bir dönemdir. Bu tekniklerden bir olan yekşah, cilt üzerine altınla işlenen motiflerin üzerine ucu düz veya oval olan demir aletin kakılması/bastırılması şeklinde uygulanan bir tezyînat tekniğidir. Bu süsleme tekniği, adını uygulamada kullanılan metal aletten almaktadır. Yekşah demiri olarak isimlendirilen bu alet, ortalama 15-16 cm uzunluğunda olup ağzı düz veya oval bir el (...)
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    Beylikler Devri Türk-İslam Ciltlerinin Kapak İçlerinde Bir Dua İbaresi: el-İzzü’d-D'im ve’l-İkb'l.Fatma Şeyma Boydak - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):291-317.
    Beylikler devri Türk-İslam ciltleri hem tezyînatları hem de üzerlerindeki dini içerikli ibareler, dua ve mücellid mühürleri vasıtasıyla cilt sanatı araştırmacılarının yayınlarına konu olmuştur. Ancak ciltlerdeki dua ifadelerini müstakil olarak konu edinen yayın sayısı oldukça azdır. Türk-İslam ciltlerinin gerek kapak yüzeyinde gerekse kapak içlerinde dua içerikli ibarelere rastlamak mümkündür. Makalenin konusu, Beylikler devrinde üretilen Türk-İslam ciltlerinin deri kaplı kapak içlerinde yer alan el-İzzü’d-Dâim ve’l-İkbâl (العزّ الدّائم والإقبال) yazısı, bu yazının yer aldığı desen kompozisyonu ve yazının analizidir. Makaledeki amaç, şimdiye kadar cilt (...)
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    An investigation of the citation transformation types in M.A. and PhD theses.Işıl Günseli Kaçar, Oktay Yağız & Fatma Şeyma Doğan - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    This study investigates the types of citation transformation preferred by both English L1 (native language) writers and Turkish writers who use English as a foreign language (L2). The corpus consists of 34 theses, 17 of which are Turkish writers’ theses in English language including 10 M.A. and 7 PhD theses and 17 English L1 writers’ theses comprised of 10 M.A. and 7 PhD theses. Based on the relevant literature, a rubric was prepared by the researchers in order to analyse the (...)
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  41. Timur Kuran, Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification Reviewed by.Christian K. Campolo - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17 (2):113-115.
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    Kuran Kıssalarını Hik'ye Tekniğiyl.Mustafa Ayyildiz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):167-167.
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    Kuran'da Stratejik Planlama Örnekleri Üzerine.Mesut Cevher - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (44):225-250.
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    Kuran-ı Kerim'de Kozmik Tarih ve Biyolojik Gelişim.Hasan Özalp - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 1):535-535.
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    Kuran, Tefsir, Kadın.Mustafa ÖZTÜRK - 2016 - Dini Araştırmalar 19 (49):65-65.
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    Kuranı Kerimde Müstazaf Kavramı.Abdurrahman Altuntaş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 5):533-533.
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    Kuran’la Gülmek Kuran’la Ağlamak.Ömer Faruk Akpinar - 2019 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (40):583-588.
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    Islam and mammon: The economic predicaments of Islamism. Timur Kuran, 2004\, princeton, NJ: Princeton university press, 194 pages, index, $28.00. [REVIEW]Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    Although Bernard Lewis is a deeper scholar of Islamic history, and the late Charles Issawi was a greater scholar of the economic history of Muslim societies, Timur Kuran has emerged in the last decade and a half as the leading scholar in the world of the rising field of Islamic economics. While most who study this field are advocates of Islamic economics as a superior system for Muslim societies, and possibly for all societies, Kuran has been a consistent (...)
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  49. the New Text Of The Kuran.J. Harris - 1926 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 10 (1):219-222.
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    The new text of The Kuran.Rendel Harris - 1926 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 10 (1):219-222.
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